
4.9/5 Stars from 5,500+ reviews

Join the movement.

Use this text to share information about your brand with your customers. Describe a product, share announcements, or welcome customers to your store.

Up to 10% commission!

With a $200+ average order value, that can add up very quickly!

Earn a free map!

After $2,200 in sales, we'll give you a free personalized 36x24 map!

We provide content.

We'll provide the content so you can focus on getting the word out!

Serve your audience.

Help them achieve their travel goals & make the world a better place!

Who we want to work with.

We want to leave the world better than we found it. And it's through travel that we are achieving that.

We're flexible. We just want to get the message out, help people track their travels, and ultimately, help them see more of the world.

Whether you're someone who loves your map and wants to share it for some extra cash or an influencer sharing products you love with the world, we are happy to work with you!

We want to help you , too.

Just as we're building our business and helping people in our own way, you've got your thing, too.

If there's some way that we can help you get your message out, let us know! From guest blog posts, email features, social media shares, and certainly plenty of other ways, we're here to support you, too.

We want to have a relationship with you. We're not very interested in one-off transactional work.

We're on this mission together. And that's what matters most.

The process is simple :

Step 1

Click "Apply Now" Below & Fill Out Your Application

We use the ShareASale network to manage Affiliate transactions. Note you'll need to provide a website. If you don't have one, just use the link to your best social media account.

Step 2

Use The Content We Provide & Share With Your Audience

We'll provide new imagery, primer copy, and "out-of-the-box" banners for you to use. And we'll periodically add more so you can keep things fresh and relevant for your audience.

Step 3

Make Money, Promote Travel, Improve Lives!

As we create positive impact together, we all win. Our message & products help more people, your audience directly gains those benefits, and you get paid to do what you already do!

Get Started!

If you're ready to help your audience, be a part of something that creates positive change in the world, and get paid to do it, then we look forward to working with you!

Apply Now